BSc Agriculture (FNU)
Vinit Kumar is a 2022 PASS-CR Scholar currently completing his Masters of Science in Horticulture at Fiji National University. He is Indo-Fijian by descent. His research seeks to identify the causal agent for fruit rot in eggplant in order to develop integrated disease management as a method of control. Vinit is pursuing this research because fruit rot is a common problem for eggplants in the Fiji islands - however, there is little research in this field. Fruit rot has been a major concern for farmers, and if the problem is addressed effectively, it will bring many beneficial outcomes for the export industry.
• Horticulture
• Crops
• Eggplant
• Fruit Rot
• Integrated Pest and Diseases Management -
Masters of Science in Horticulture
Project Title: Identification of the causal agent that causes, fruit rot in eggplants and developing an Integrated Pest and Diseases Management approach to reduce the disease and increases production.ACIAR Project - HORT/2016/185
Responding to emerging pest and disease threats to horticulture in the Pacific lslandsSupervisor: Dr Mereia Fong, Fiji National University
Co-Supervisor: Dr Bree Wilson, University of Southern QueenslandClick here for more information (available on the ACIAR website).
Twitter: @VinitKr143
Vinit Kumar is a 2022 PASS-CR Scholar completing his Masters of Science in Horticulture at Fiji National University. His research focuses on the identification of the causal agent that causes fruit rot in eggplants, and developing an Integrated Pest and Diseases Management approach to reduce the disease and increases production.