Bachelor of Agriculture (USP)

Post Graduate Diploma in Agriculture (USP)

  • I am originally from the beautiful island of Vanualevu, with paternal links to Vuinadi ( Cakaudrove ) and maternal links to Burerua ( Tailevu). I am also married and blessed to have three wonderful children, who have been my support system throughout my journey. My interest is in livestock production with a focus on their health care and management systems.

    My research is based on the supply and demand of animal health care services in the Pacific Region. Due to the lack of veterinarians in the Pacific Region, livestock industries are forced to rely on para veterinarians who have the skills and experience, but lack the necessary knowledge for prescribing and diagnosing animal diseases. This research will determine the effectiveness of para veterinarians and provide more insight into the status of antimicrobial resistance in the Pacific Region.

  • • Animal health care

    • Livestock production

  • MSc in Agriculture at USP
    Project Title: Evaluating the effectiveness of animal health care services in Fiji and Samoa.

    ACIAR Project – LS/2019/119

    Livestock Systems - Enhancing the management of Antimicrobial Resistance (EMAR) in Fiji.

    Supervisor: Dr Ketan Christi, USP and Dr. Poasa Tabuaciri, FNU
    ACIAR Co-Supervisor: Dr Walter Okelo, CSIRO

    Click here for more information (available on the ACIAR website).

Tivulu Mulo is a 2023 PASS-CR Scholar completing a MSc at The University of the South Pacific. Her research examines the supply and demand of animal health care services in the Pacific region: effectiveness of para-veterinary services.