BSc (FNU) | MSc (University of the West Indies)
I am a PhD Scholar presently pursuing research on the Contribution of Agroforestry Towards Rural Livelihoods and Forest Restoration. I am also an Instructor in Forestry at the Fiji National University.
I am interested in the natural environment and how to preserve and conserve our forests. Deforestation and degradation in the name of development and expansion are the main causes of unsustainable agriculture and this places a lot of risk on our natural resources, especially our forests and biodiversity. Unsustainable activities are slowly destroying our forests, so we need to encourage the concept of agroforestry. We need to influence and encourage people to be more economical and plant trees that are socially and ecologically important, ones that provide fruits and herbal medicine for instance, and those that retain soil and provide shelter and habitat.
• Biodiversity Conservation
• Sustainable Development
• Forestry
• Climate Change
• Natural Resources Management
• Agroforestry
• Carbon Sequestration
• Rural Livelihoods
• Forest Restoration -
PhD in Forestry
Project Title: Contribution of Agroforestry Systems to Rural Livelihoods and Forest Restoration in Fiji.ACIAR Project Details
Contribution of Agroforestry Systems to Rural Livelihoods and Forest Restoration in FijiSupervisor: Dr Shipra Shah, Fiji National University
Co-Supervisor: Professor Helen Wallace, Griffith UniversityFor more information, see ACIAR initiatives FST/2020/135 + FST/2014/067
Twitter: @ttaioti
LinkedIn: Tiraon Taioti
ORCiD: 0000-0002-3863-4178
Tiraon Taioti is a 2021 PASS-CR Scholar completing a PhD in Forestry at Fiji National University. His research investigates the contribution of agroforestry systems to rural livelihoods and forest restoration in Fiji.