BSc, Fisheries (FNU) | PgDip, Environmental Conservation and Climate Change (FNU)
I was an instructor at FNU’S Fisheries Department before applying for a PASS-CR scholarship, which has given me a chance to pursue my studies and upgrade my qualification. I strongly believe that academics should have high education backgrounds to build learning capacity.
My research area focuses on community sustainable development in terms of their livelihood. Co-culturing pearl and seaweed together does not only increase yield and production but also plays an important role in building a marine ecosystem to be resilient against the ongoing effects of climate change, such as thermal expansion and ocean acidification. Seaweed is a carbon sequencer that reduces carbon in the sea. Past studies shows that seaweed coverts more carbon dioxide compared to 5 trees on land.
I hail from the beautiful Island of Rabi and my interest in this research reflects how much I care for the marine environment and resources as the whole population back in the Island depends on their marine environment for survival.
• Climate Change
• Sustainability
• Mabe Pearl Oysters
• Seaweed -
Masters of Science in Fisheries
Project Title: Assessing the potential of co-culture of seaweed with pearl oyster; growth rates, productivity and economic potential. -
Twitter: @Kororegina
LinkedIn: Regina Koro
ORCiD: 0000-0001-5721-8703
Regina Singh is a 2022 PASS-CR Scholar completing Masters of Science in Fisheries at Fiji National University. Her research assesses the potential of co-culturing seaweed and pearl oysters, investigating growth rates, productivity and economic potential. This research hopes to trigger more profitable and sustainable mabé pearl and shell based livelihoods in the western Pacific.