Bachelor of Agriculture, USP
I am from Nawaicoba, Nadi (western division of Viti Levu), coming from a farming background where we used to focus on vegetables and sugarcane, however over the years the interest was shifted to diversifying and the passion for bee keeping was introduced to me from my father and the passion turned into a business.
So as a beekeeper and professionally working in the Bee industry with Ministry of Agriculture (Fiji) there were a number of struggles that we had to go through and one of them is the Varroa mites which is having a huge impact in the honey production, I am so grateful that the ACIAR scholarship has opened the pathway to address this issue of varroa mites in Fiji with a research where we can gain a greater knowledge of the mites and be able to use IPM strategies to control the mites here in Fiji
Honey Bees,
Honey production,
Pests in Bees (Varroa mites),
IPM for pests in bees
Masters by Research (Agriculture)
Project Title: Development of varroa mite economic thresholds and IPM strategies for beekeeping industries in FijiACIAR Project – LS/2014/042
Strengthening beekeeping industries for improved production and livelihoods in Fiji, PNG and Solomon Islands.
Supervisor: Dr. Leslie Ubaub, USP
ACIAR Co-Supervisor: Dr. Cooper Schouten, SCUClick here for more information (available on the ACIAR website)
Ravnil Prasad is a 2023 PASS-CR Scholar completing a MSc at The University of the South Pacific. His research examines the development of varroa mite economic thresholds and IPM strategies for beekeeping industries in Fiji