• I am a Masters in Marine Science student from the village of Wailotua, Wainibuka in the province of Tailevu with maternal links to Sawakasa Vou village in Tailevu. Fiji’s aquaculture industry has a lot of unfulfilled potential and my project is focused on helping the aquaculture industry to not only meet its potential but to also exceed it.

  • • Freshwater prawn aquaculture
    • Small pond holders
    • Inland aquaculture

  • MSc
    Project Title: A SWOT analysis on freshwater prawn aquaculture in Fiji

    Supervisor: Dr Rajesh Prasad, University of the South Pacific
    Co-Supervisor: Ass Prof Jes Sammut, University of New South Wales (UNSW)

    ACIAR Project: FIS/2018/154 Improving peri-urban and remote inland fish farming in Papua New Guinea to benefit both community-based and commercial operators.

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