Bachelor of Agriculture, USP
Bula, I come from the burning West specifically, the Jetset Town (Nadi). Farming is old-fashioned and is only meant for the illiterate were the words that still remain strong in my heart and a promise to alter this thought, lured my interest in agriculture. A fruit does not fall from the tree became true when I chose to further my studies in Agriculture just like my parents.
Youths nowadays are so engrossed in attaining a suitable white-collar job without realising the ultimate gains which agriculture can offer. Studying crop science during my Bachelors and being involved in farming on a daily basis has shown me the various aspects of agriculture, in particular, the importance of bees in a farmer's life. Bees have no time for sorrow, if they did, the honey would not be so sweet. Likewise, we have so much information around us, however, we choose to limit ourselves and blame the circumstances.
• Honey
• Honey Bees
• Honey Bee Nutrition
• Flora
Masters by Research (Agriculture)
Project Title: Formulation of supplementary Bee feed and Floral database of Fiji.ACIAR Project – LS/2014/042
Strengthening beekeeping industries for improved production and livelihoods in Fiji, PNG and Solomon Islands.
Supervisor: Dr. Leslie Ubaub, USP
ACIAR Co-Supervisor: Dr. Cooper Schouten, SCUClick here for more information (available on the ACIAR website)
Twitter: @Nikheelsingh5
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/nikheel-singh-966427215
Nikheel Anmol Singh is a 2023 PASS-CR Scholar completing a MSc at The University of the South Pacific. His research examines the formulation of supplementary pollen patties from locally sourced pollen and sugar for bees in Fiji.