Welcome to the 2023 ACIAR PASS-CR scholars
Some of the 2023 ACIAR PASS-CR Scholars with ACIAR Regional Manager, Mai Alagcan, PVCRI Prof De Marco, FNU and Prof Underhill, UniSC
Eleven Pacific islanders are getting a boost in their academic capability through postgraduate support in agricultural research.
The eleven scholars from Fiji and Tonga are the 2023 cohort of the ACIAR supported Pacific Agriculture, Scholarship, Support and Climate Resilience program who will be pursing their Masters and PhD qualifications.
The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) welcomed the 2023 scholars from FNU and USP at an induction program held at the USP Laucala Campus on Tuesday 7 February. Scholars were officially welcomed to the scholarship program by ACIAR Regional Manager Pacific and PNG, Ms Mai Alagcan, followed by a warm welcome from PVCRI, Prof Roland De Marco, FNU. Scholars were welcomed to the Australian Centre for Pacific Islands Research (ACPIR) by Director Prof Steven Underhill followed by a presentation from Dr Linda Wess on the support provided by the Academic Support team at University of the Sunshine Coast.
Through project alignment to ACIAR research projects Pacific scholars, their academic supervisors and universities are linked with one another and with Australia’s agricultural innovation system, to create strong networks that can respond to regional challenges.
To enhance the scholarship experience, PASS-CR delivers a range of services and activities which includes monthly research seminars and skill development sessions, student work experience through its job ready program, professional development opportunities for academic supervisors and research managers and access to the Future Thinkers’ Awards.
Please join us in welcoming the 2023 Scholars to the ACIAR PASS-CR family:
Mr Sateki Fangupo PhD at USP
The efficacy of Trichogramma chilonis on its host Crocidolomia pavonana in Samoa
Ms Shalini Singh PhD at USP
Improving carbon accounting from livestock systems in Fiji through the measurement of greenhouse gas emissions
Mr Nikheel Anmol MSc at USP
Formulation of supplementary pollen patties from locally sourced pollen and sugar for bees in Fiji
Mr Ravnil Prasad MSc at USP
Development of varroa mite economic thresholds and IPM strategies for beekeeping industries in Fiji
Ms Tivulu Mulo MSc at USP
Supply and demand of animal health care services in the Pacific region: effectiveness of para-veterinary services
Mr Atish Chand PhD at FNU
Addressing issues in Fijian dairy industry using value chain analysis and climate change intervention
Ms Vikashni Devi PhD at FNU
Assessment of taro growth, yield and soil properties using APSIM under present and future climate scenarios in Fiji
Ms Amelia Nadau MSc at FNU
Farmers perception on climate change impact on farm produce in Sigatoka, Labasa and Taveuni areas of Fiji
Ms Lily Qaranivalu MSc at FNU
Forests, trees and agroforestry for supporting rural livelihoods in Fiji
Ms Radhisha Nath MSc at FNU
Implementing the gender action plan of the UN framework
Ms Razia Rashid MSc at FNU
Supply and demand of animal health care services in Pacific region under climate change