The PASS-CR Program provides scholarships and support to postgraduate students in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries at The University of the South Pacific (USP) and Fiji National University (FNU). Since 2008, the Australian Centre for International Research (ACIAR) has supported research scholarships at Pacific Universities. The scholarship program has achieved significant results, strengthening agricultural innovation systems in the Pacific.
Scholarships for the 2023 PASS-CR Program will begin in Semester 1, 2023 at USP and FNU
for the following programs:
USP - PhD and Masters by research
FNU – Masters by research or Masters by Coursework (with a thesis component)
Scholarships will be awarded on an up to 24 month basis for Master’s students and up to 3 years for a PhD candidate.
Tuition is paid directly for the relevant program of study. Student research grants costs are shared between ACIAR and USP or FNU. Funds to present research results at an international conference are included in the scholarship. A living and book allowance, along with relocation allowance (if relevant) are also available.
The Australian Centre for Pacific Islands Research (ACPIR) at the University of the Sunshine Coast (UniSC) provides additional support to PASS-CR scholars and academic staff including professional development, access to the UniSC library, peer-to-peer learning, research collaboration, and higher degree research supervision training. Student work placements and career development are included under PASS-CR to build ongoing industry connections.
Scholarships are aligned to ACIAR research projects, this includes the provision of an international co-supervisor who is part of the ACIAR project. A list of projects and research topics for the 2023 PASS-CR Program can be found here.
Please note the following priority project areas for the 2023 PASS-CR program:
Soils is a priority area for USP and students aligned to an ACIAR Soils project will be considered as a priority.
Forestry is a priority area for FNU and students aligned to an ACIAR Forestry project will be considered as a priority.
Projects which consider issues of gender, social systems, youth engagement, food systems and climate adaptation will also be welcome at both universities.
Applicants must be a citizen of and currently reside in Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, or Vanuatu.
Applicants must meet the eligibility criteria for postgraduate study at USP or FNU.
Applications must be aligned to active or upcoming ACIAR research projects and must address a nominated thesis research question from the supplied list.
Applicants must be able to meet government and university mandated requirements for travel to Fiji for study at FNU or USP Laucala, or Samoa for study at USP Alafua.
Applications Open – Friday 8 July 2022
Student Zoom Q&A Session 1 – 12pm FJT, Friday 15 July 2022 (click here to watch the replay)
Meet the Project Leader Sessions – 12pm FJT, Friday 22 July 2022 (click here to watch the replay)
Student Zoom Q&A Session 2 – 12pm FJT, Friday 12 August 2022 (click here to watch the replay)
Research Intent Development training – 12pm FJT, Tuesday 23 August 2022 (click here to watch the replay)
Applications Close – 5pm FJT, Wednesday 19 October 2022
Applicants advised of outcome – late November/early December 2022
For more information on how to apply and to check your eligibility, please contact:
The University of South Pacific (USP)
Mr Josevata Cava, ACIAR - USP Graduate Officer
Fiji National University (FNU)
Dr Archibold Bakare
Online briefing sessions about the program, how to apply, meet the project leaders and how to put together a research intent proposal will be held to support you through the application process. Dates and registration links are provided below:
Zoom Q&A sessions were held for prospective applicants to learn more about the program, and ask questions of current scholars, supervisors, and ACPIR staff. Replays of both sessions, hosted in July and August, are available here: .
A Zoom Project Showcase, with presentations from ACIAR Project leaders about the projects and research topics covered in the PASS-CR Scholarship program was held on Friday 22 July at 12pm FJT. A replay of the session is available on YouTube at::
Research Proposal Training was held on Tuesday 23 August at 12pm FJT to support applicants to put together their research intent and future research proposals. A replay of the session is available here:
FAQ’s have been provided to answer any questions you may have on the scholarship program, allowances, the application process, and timelines. We encourage you to review these prior to applying.
For further information about ACIAR’s Pacific work:
Ms Mai Alagcan
Regional Manager Pacific and PNG, Suva, FIJI